Slovenia - Living up to its reputation for natural beauty
While living in Albania for 4 1/2 years, we traveled all the Balkan countries save Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia. People had raved about the natural beauty of Slovenia so we headed there to hike and play. Ljubljana - Capital of Slovenia A city of 278,000 people, the buildings quietly and gracefully line the Ljubijanica River. Decorative bridges and winding streets complete the scene. Very clean country with containers for trash and recycled dry and wet waste. McDonalds, the waste producer! Walking up to the castle with views down to Ljubljana and surrounding circle of mountains Our first selfie! To the caves, south west of the capital. These are the Postnja Caves, 26 miles of underground stalagmites and stalactites. Millions of them. To note that while this is the second biggest set of caves, in Kentucky, Mammoth Caves run 600 kilometers underground. That would be some walk! This stalactite type is called "bacon"...